Amazing Fun facts of Mangoes

Amazing Fun facts of Mangoes

Mangoes Fun facts

Mango is a fruiting tree in the same family as the fig. The name is derived from its Arabic name “Mang”, meaning “mango”. Mangoes fruit is native to the Indian subcontinent.

  • Mangoes was first cultivated in India more than 5,000 years ago.
  • Mangoes seeds travelled with Asians to the Middle East, East Africa, South America and the United States of America.
  • The paisley pattern, designed in India, is based on the shape of the Mangoes.
  • The mango is a symbol of love in India and the mango basket is a sign of friendship.
  • Mango tree grow up to 30 meter in height.
  • Mango bark, leaves and seeds have been used in traditional medicine for centuries.
  • Mango fruit is the third most consumed fruit in the United States
  • The world’s largest mango fruit weighed 6.4 kg

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